Post-Conviction Writs
Post-Conviction Writs In Texas
Did you know after you are sentenced and your conviction is affirmed on direct appeal, you may be able to bring a post-conviction writ to argue the validity of your sentence? Post-conviction writs of habeas corpus are considered a civil proceeding separate from your criminal case, even though you are asking for relief to be granted for your criminal conviction or sentence. At the Law Office of Harmony M. Schuerman, our North Texas criminal defense attorney may be able to help you file for a post-conviction writ, as well as represent you in court to ensure you receive a fair trial. If you would like to learn more about how we can assist you, please contact our firm today.
What Are Post-Conviction Writs?
The ground for post-conviction writs is usually based in state or federal constitutional provisions and many regulations must be followed to ensure you can receive a post-conviction writ. If you have filed for an appeal and have been denied, or are still in the appeal process, it is vital you consult an experienced criminal defense attorney who can help determine if you qualify. One of the important advantages of a post-conviction writ is the fact that you can gather information to support said writ claim; information that could not be gathered within a timely manner for your appeal.
If you felt your attorney did not provide adequate support for your case during the time of your trial, you may be able to file an ineffective assistance of counsel writ. This means that your lawyer wasn’t properly prepared or made serious errors that potentially could have affected your case’s outcome. This writ can be very difficult to establish, which is why it is ideal you seek experienced assistance. Harmony can investigate your case and determine if you are eligible for a post-conviction writ.
Protect Your Rights And Freedom
Our firm provides free case evaluations, so if you would like to discover how we can assist you with your criminal defense case, please contact our office today. It is our goal to ensure you receive a fair outcome for your case, regardless of whether or not you have already received a criminal conviction. Hire the aggressive, dedicated, and passionate local criminal defense lawyer you deserve by hiring Harmony and our legal team today.
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